Just how big is HRx?
The intensity and scope of a project can best be understood by looking at the manuals that are created to help guide your understanding and give you comfort when you inevitably have to troubleshoot. Here are some examples of important manuals:
- The Navy’s manual for fighter jet pilots, Navy F/A-18 FIGHTER JET Pilot's Manual Airplane BOOK, has 809 pages,
- The cook’s manual, also known as The Joy of Cooking, has 1,152 pages, and
- The original physician’s manual for navigating the human body, Gray’s Anatomy of the Human Body, has 1,675 pages.
With those books in mind, can you guess how many pages are in the manual for HRx? We’ll give you a hint- it is much more than any of the above examples. Here’s another hint, below is a picture of the Lawson Human Capital Management Software Suite manual broken into more manageable and not-back-breaking pieces.
The answer is 1,975 pages! This project is BIG!
-HRx Team